Bay leaves or Laurel leaves are a common staple on most people’s herb and spice racks. It isn’t readily associated with anything past the kitchen.
However, beyond methods of consumption like eating or drinking bay leaves, the plants can be burned and inhaled for a surprising effect.
Why Burn Bay Leaves?
The herb is commonly used as a fragrance ingredient in creams, lotions, perfumes, soaps, and detergents.
The leaves’s oils have pinene, cineol, and elemicin compounds. Burning this combination of chemicals causes a stimulating, yet calm slightly psychedelic effect.
How to burn Bay Leaf?
1. Take one dried bay leaf and place it in a clean container.
2. Consider using a metal tray, or some other container, that can withstand the flames.
3. Light the leaf on fire using a lighter. As the leaf burns, smoke will fill the room.
4. Sit in the room, breathing in the air, but try not to directly inhale the smoke. By the time the smoke dissipates, you should have breathed enough of the vapors to receive the benefits of burning the bay leaf.
The health benefits of the laurel leaf:
– Reduces pain
– It calms the nervous system
– Increases and stimulates the sweating process
– Strengthens the immune system
– Boosts overall mental activity
– In addition, it can be used to treat varicose veins and painful joints.
Source: Healthy Recipes Home
Burn These Leaves In The Center Of Your Home And Most Of Your Problems Will Disappear In 10 Minutes
Reviewed by misfitgympal
Hulyo 17, 2022

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