Liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) is one of the world’s favorite fuels, but—in its usual piped form—you can’t use it just anywhere.
LPG (either Butane or Propane), is generally stored and distributed as a liquid and it is widely used for process and space heating, cooking and automotive propulsion. It is a colourless and odourless liquid which readily evaporates into a gas. Normally an odourant has been added to it to help detect leaks.
It is classified as highly flammable and if it contains more than 0.1{96b8f52e9e734dc4449186c08df6bee533797ee5e9b2e7d28956124720fc2530} Butadiene, which is also classified as a carcinogen and mutagen.
A story of a housewife who died after sustaining burns due LPG has been circulating the web. Her husband too was hospitalized for injuries due to burns while trying to rescue her.
What happened?
The gas cooker was on and was cooking in progress. The lady observed some cockroaches near the sink and grabbed a can of insect killer and sprayed it near the gas stove, which was on. There was an explosion and in no time the poor woman was covered in flames, sustaining 65{96b8f52e9e734dc4449186c08df6bee533797ee5e9b2e7d28956124720fc2530} burns.
Her husband rushed in, tried to put out the flames and his clothes too caught fire. The husband is still in hospital, in the burns ward, still unaware that his wife was declared dead on arrival.
What caused the flames?
All insect killer sprays such as “Raid”,”Baygon”, Nuvan etc have highly volatile and inflammable solvents. The atomized nano spray particles spread very rapidly and one spark is enough to ignite this explosive mixture with oxygen present in air.
Please educate your family & friends about this and spread the word around….Please share this post, who knows you might save more than a life..

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