ATTENTION! Never Dry Your Clothes Inside Your House, It Could Kill You Any Moment

Did you know that drying your laundry in the rooms you live in, is very hazardous to your health?
A study found that a fresh batch of washing can account for up to a third of the moisture in rooms with poor ventilation or closed windows after it is hung up. Thus, having more moisture in the air creates ideal breeding conditions for mold spores and dust mites which have been shown to cause asthma.

Craig Mather (43) from Bolton got a lung infection because he didn’t adhere to the warnings and dried his clothes inside his house. Mold spores which occur due to drying clothes in the room have caused him serious lung problems.

Crag Mather, a father of three children, was diagnosed with chronic pulmonary aspergillosis and started to recover when he was prescribed drugs to fight against fungal infections.


The doctor warned him that if he didn’t stop drying clothes indoors, his problems would become even worse. So when he stopped drying the clothes indoors for 12 months he noticed a great improvement in his health.

That is why, researchers strongly advise that every home should be designed with covered outdoor drying spaces, such as balconies, or well-ventilated drying cupboards to lower risk of indoor drying.

In one bunch of washed laundry there is more than two liters of water which is released throughout your room. Most people’s bodies can fight with the infection or are immune to those infections. But, people who have asthma may face with breathing problems and coughing.

People who have weaker immune system, on the other hand, such as patients with AIDS, patients treated with chemotherapy or patients with autoimmune diseases may suffer from pulmonary aspergillosis caused by fungi. It is a disease that can cause really serious and often fatal lung damage. 

ATTENTION! Never Dry Your Clothes Inside Your House, It Could Kill You Any Moment ATTENTION! Never Dry Your Clothes Inside Your House, It Could Kill You Any Moment Reviewed by misfitgympal on Mayo 03, 2022 Rating: 5

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