Many women have been told to immediately pee after having an intercourse. While some do this routine every time, others do not know the exact reason why they need to do so.
Well, for everyone’s information, peeing after an intercourse helps flush out bacteria before it can travel to the bladder thus reducing th chance of urinary tract infection (UTI).
A urinary tract infection happens when bacteria travel up the urethra and enter the bladder, where they then multiply and cause infection.
In female anatomy, a shorter urethra (vs males) means there’s a shorter distance for bacteria to travel through the urethra to the bladder.
Besides, specialists say, unlike to men, female discharge does not happen through the urethra so the best way to draw and remove each one of those substances or particles that are presented during infiltration is through peeing.
When you know about the importance to urinate after intercourse remember that keeping up great individual cleanliness just prior and then afterward intercourse is critical to stay away from disease in the urinary tract, secure your well-being and appreciate all out solace of your private experiences.

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