Scientists From WHO Found Out The True Cause Of Lung Cancer, and It’s Not Smoking

We thought that smoking is the number one cause of lung cancer but it seems we’re wrong.

The International Agency for Research for Cancer (IARC), a part of the World Health Organisation (WHO), announced that there is “sufficient evidence” that exposure to air pollution is a key cause of lung cancer.

Data revealed by the IARC showed that in 2010, 223,000 deaths worldwide from lung cancer were caused by air pollution.

The news comes as people continue to live in a growing atmosphere of smog, with car emissions, residential heating and fumes from power stations just a few of the key contributors to air pollution.


As with most cancer risk factors, the risk is higher the more someone is exposed to the substance.

Air pollution is a complicated mixture that can contain many components, and different people will have been exposed to different amounts depending on their lifestyle.

It’s important that people keep the risk from air pollution in perspective.

Although air pollution increases the risk of developing lung cancer by a small amount, other things have a much bigger effect on our risk, particularly smoking.

The American Cancer Society has now classified air pollution in the same category as tobacco smoke, UV radiation and plutonium in an attempt to send a message to governments to force them to take action.

Scientists From WHO Found Out The True Cause Of Lung Cancer, and It’s Not Smoking Scientists From WHO Found Out The True Cause Of Lung Cancer, and It’s Not Smoking Reviewed by misfitgympal on Hunyo 07, 2021 Rating: 5

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