Myterious Trumpet-Like Sound Heard In Jerusalem While Cloud Forms In Circles

Strange sounds from the sky started back in 2008 and are still recorded today in 2016 on videos by people all around the world.

Recently, a video taken by a smartphone swept the internet after it was known that the trumpet-like sound was again heard in the Jerusalem.

What’s more mysterious about it was the clouds above the holy city that formed in circles as the noise becomes louder.

Netizens immediately shrugged it off as a fake clip however, a more longer recording of the incident shot from a different location surfaced days after.

Check out the video below:


Though most of the videos online are hoaxes, this strange and unexplained humming phenomenon actually plagues residents living in the USA, the UK and all over Europe, Canada, New Zealand and Australia.

The same trumpet-like sound was also heard in Lobo, Batangas, Philippines in June 2015.

While UFO fanatics interpret it as the sound made by spaceships preceding an alien invasion, christians believe that these strange sky noises are signs of the incoming apocalypse announcing the second coming of Christ and the end of the world.

Could this be related to the recent US election result and prophetic prediction by Nostradamus?

Nostradamus was a famous prophet who once predicted the 9/11 and the victory of Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte. He also allegedly foresaw that Donald Trump, an “anti-christ” will win the US election and that he would be the “last US president” because he will trigger WORLD WAR 3.

Myterious Trumpet-Like Sound Heard In Jerusalem While Cloud Forms In Circles Myterious Trumpet-Like Sound Heard In Jerusalem While Cloud Forms In Circles Reviewed by misfitgympal on Hunyo 07, 2021 Rating: 5

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