Did you know that by drinking 2 glasses of water in an empty stomach, after getting out of bed will treat various conditions and has therapeutic benefits for our body?
The people of Japan were the very first to practice this Water Therapy for it cures different conditions, ranging from headache to cancer. In fact, this therapy was the reason why a lot of Japanese is living beyond 100 years old.
They are known as ‘Centenarians’ and almost 50,000 of them are still alive, living their long life in Japan.
This practice should be perform first thing in the morning.
1. Before brushing your teeth, drink 640 ml (4 glasses of 160 ml) of water. Ideally, the water shouldn’t contain fluoride.
2. Brush and clean your mouth, but don’t eat or drink anything for another 45 minutes.
3. Have your breakfast as normal as what it is.
4. After breakfast, don’t eat anything for 2 hours.
The practice should be done regularly and different time frames are predicted to treat, improve or control different conditions such as:
- High blood pressure – 30 days
- Diabetes – 30 days
- Gastritis – 10 days
- Constipation – 10 days
- Tuberculosis – 90 days
- Cancer – 180 days
Drinking too much water can be equally as dangerous as not drinking enough. So start practicing now. Why not? From the first place, it is the most cheapest way in preventing and curing dangerous diseases.
Sources: DailyNutrition, The Artikulo Uno News
What Happens When You Drink Two Glasses of Water on an Empty Stomach Every Morning
Reviewed by misfitgympal
Hulyo 13, 2022

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