The rambutan fruit is one the most exotic fruits on this planet. Though indigenous to Malaysia this hairy fruit is often grown all through Southeast Asia.
Though this fruit is not well known to a lot of people, some experts call it ‘super fruit’ because of the many benefits its ingestion has.
1. Source of iron
Rambutans are highly rich iron which is essential for the human body to function. Iron present in the hemoglobin is used by the human body to transport oxygen from the lungs to the different tissues.
2. Decreases unwanted fat
Rambutans are highly effective in lessening the body fat content of the human body. This is because the fruit is high in fiber content and at the same, low on calories. Moreover, it has high water content. Due to this, it decreased hunger episodes significantly.
3. Helps in boosting energy
The fruit is rich in carbohydrate and protein content which helps give an instant energy boost when consumed. The high water content of the fruit also helps quench the thirst and bring back lost energy.
4. Strengthens bones
Another benefit of this fruits is that it helps in strengthening our bones. This is due to the fact that the fruit is rich in calcium, phosphorus and iron.
5. Makes skin better
Rambutan helps in hydrating your skin and making its soft and supple like you always wanted. This is due to the high water content that the fruit holds.
6. Helps in removing waste from the kidneys
This is done with the help of phosphorus present in rambutan. The phosphorus is also essential for the development, repair, and maintenance of tissues and body cells.
7. Help in hair care
A paste made from the leaves of trees is has been known to known to provide nutrition to the hair. Many people experience a noticeable change in their hair quality in just a few weeks.
8. Anti-cancer
Rambutan fruit, as already discussed earlier, consists of anti-oxidant components. This is not very well known, but a recent study found out that rambutan can be effective against cancer. The skin and seeds and deeds of the fruit have been proved to be effective against different kinds of cancer.
Source: 1mHealthTips

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