Your blood pressure rises with each heartbeat and falls when your heart relaxes between beats. These changes is influenced by many physiological and environmental factors. Thus, it is advisable to measure your blood pressure regularly.
You can check your blood pressure at a doctor’s office, at a pharmacy, or simply, at home using this effective trick. It is quick and painless, and it is the only way to know whether your pressure is high.
The trick is an old Chinese method of taking blood pressure that can help you monitor your blood pressure in any place at any time.
What makes this method very convenient is that it uses only three things – a tape measure, some thread and a wedding ring.
Whenever you feel like your blood pressure is changing, follow the instructions below and take your blood pressure wherever you are.
1. Start by laying the tape measure on any arm from your wrist upwards.
2. Place the piece of thread through the ring.
3. When you start moving the ring slowly alongside the tape measure, the ring will first react to your diastolic, and then to your systolic pressure.
While a good technique is necessary when taking a blood pressure, having the proper equipment is equally important. So if you have any doubts, just pay a visit to your doctor.
Check out the video below to clearly zee how this trick is done.
Source: Super Tasty Recipes
The Surprising Way To Read Your Blood Pressure Using A Tape Measure
Reviewed by misfitgympal
Hulyo 11, 2022

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