Jane Plant is a renowned expert of geochemistry, but she is also a wife and a mother. In 1987, she was diagnosed with breast cancer at the age of 42.
The initial diagnosis was that her life and career were about to end. However, she decided not to give up and to fight the disease.
Jane started to change her lifestyle and she started a specific dietary regimen. This change of lifestyle improved her health and life and she wants to share her story and raise people’s awareness.
Jane’s husband, who is an experienced and renowned scientist was working in China. He started doing research on the reason why the breast cancer rates are so reduced in China.
Fortunately, he succeeded in finding out the cure for the cancer. The method is now public and everybody can use it and save their lives.
Here is the part of Jane’s story:
Jane received lot of letters, cards and incredible herbal suppositories from her Chinese colleges. These letters and herbs were supposed to help her fight cancer.
At this point she laughed at this because she didn’t expected that these suppositories actually are able to help her with cancer.
Jane kept wondering why women in China do not develop breast cancer. Then she started her own research. Jane and her husband discovered research from the 1980’s according to which only 14 {96b8f52e9e734dc4449186c08df6bee533797ee5e9b2e7d28956124720fc2530} of the calories in the usual Chinese diet were fat, compared with 36{96b8f52e9e734dc4449186c08df6bee533797ee5e9b2e7d28956124720fc2530} of calories in the Western diet.
Before Jane was diagnosed with a breast cancer, her diet was rich in fiber and low in fats, and she was aware that fats do not raise the risk of developing breast cancer.
While doing her research, Jane discovered that Chinese do not consume dairy products. This was very surprising, but she also felt happiness as she was very close to finding out the truth.
Jane discovered study in 1989 from Dr. Daniel Cramer from Harvard University who linked yogurt with ovarian cancer. Dr. Cramer examined hundreds of women with this issue who also consumed dairy product such as butter, milk and yogurt.
This made Jane to stop consuming dairy product such as butter, milk, and yogurt and so on.
After only 2 weeks, Jane noticed that the lump on her neck began to itch. This lump was also softened and after a while it reduced in size a lot. She adds that apart from reducing in size, her tumor was also cured.
After 6 weeks, Jane couldn’t even find her lump. Her husband also couldn’t find the lump. Next thing that Jane did was visit to her specialist, and he couldn’t find the lump as well. As it is expected, the specialist was shocked and skeptical about this regimen.
Jane explains that she completely understand that there is a relation between breast cancer and dairy products, which is similar to the relation between lung cancer and smoking.
Probably many people will be skeptical, however one thing you need to remember that Jane is living proof that this therapy works perfectly.
Source: Just Healthy Lifestyle

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