Beets have long been known as a healthy source of nutrients.
This root vegetable, best known for its red color, has been enjoyed in various forms for generations as a healthy source of iron, as well as potassium, phosphorus, calcium, sulfur, magnesium, iodine and a number of trace minerals.
But now, more than ever, scientific evidence continues to support beets as a natural cure for cancer.
Some health experts even labeled it as “beet root chemotherapy” because scientific research reveals the astounding cases of remission in cancer patients who were given high concentrations of beet root.
So how does beet juice help to kill cancer cells?
Beet juice helps to detoxify as well as protect our cells with much needed nutrients and oxygen. Some breakthrough studies have shown that beets help cancer patients reverse their condition.
The link between oxygen and cancer is well known and beets can increase oxygen, within the blood, by 400 percent while helping to eliminate waste products.
One of the anti-tumor effects of beetroot juice is explained by its high iron content, designed to regenerate red blood corpuscles that supply cancer cells with more oxygen. This higher oxygen content improves cellular respiration – which helps to kill cancer cells.
The Ferenczi’s Effect is named after the man that discovered a tumor-inhibiting effect of a flavonoid (betazyane) in beets – which proved that beets have the ability to increase oxygen intake within the cells, while protecting the levels of vitamin C – another great anti-cancer nutrient.
Keep in mind, beetroot is such a powerful detoxifier that it is advised not to drink it straight but mix it with other juices to soften its effect. Beet, carrot, apple is a delicious way to get started.
Naturally, when dealing with cancer, it’s always smart to work with a trusted, healthcare provider.

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