Facial and armpit hair are the most complained body hair, especially by women.
So if you’re out of budget but want to get rid of stubborn armpit hair, try this home treatment. Not only that this is more affordable, but can also be more natural and hence, less toxic.
Method # 1: Lemon and Sugar
Sugar-based waxing methods have been used by Asian women for centuries. This method is both simple and effective.
– Simply mix two tablespoons of lemon juice with one tablespoon of sugar to make a paste.
– Apply this on your armpit hair and leave to act for a few minutes.
– Remove with a clean damp cloth.
Note: Repeat the treatment twice a week. Your underarm hair will recede each time you use the treatment.
Method # 2: Egg and Corn Flour
– Make a paste using one egg and one and a half tablespoon corn flour.
– Apply this paste on your armpit and leave until it dries.
– Rinse off with water.
Method # 3: Milk and Turmeric
– Make a paste using a tablespoon of turmeric and two tablespoons of milk.
– Apply this on your underarm, let act for some time, and rinse with water.

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