There could be something hiding in your mouth that you don’t know much about, but it can trigger bad breath and can even be painful when you swallow.
If someone asked you where stones can form in the human body, you might think of the kidneys. But, the kidneys aren’t the only place.
Tonsil stones, or tonsilloliths, are formed when bacteria and other materials, including dead cells and mucous are trapped in nooks and crannies that filled your tonsils.
When this happens, the debris can become concentrated in white formations that occur in the pockets. This extra calcium deposits, so-called tonsil stones stick stubbornly to your sensitive tonsils.
Tonsil stones are mostly close to the surface and can be easily spotted on. If you press carefully with the bottom of a toothbrush or a cotton swab then they often fall out on their own.
However, if you don’t trust yourself to “push them out,” or it’s painful, then it’s worth visiting a nose / ear specialist or the dentist.

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