Bring Your Hands Together, If These Lines Meet, This Is What It Means

Palm reading is an ancient art that has been around for thousands and thousands of years, and there is a good reason it has stood the test of time.

A lot of people dismiss this practice as silly superstitious beliefs, but I think half the time their scepticism stems from them not truly understanding what it’s all about.

So, instead of going to a palm reader, learn how to read the lines on your hands by looking at the line below your fingers.

This line is called the ‘line of marriage’ and can tell a lot about your love life.


Same height

If the lines have the same height on both hands, it means that you will like and accept your partner for who they are.

Higher line on the right hand

If your right hand palm line is higher, it means that you’re not conservative in social standards and do only what you want to do.

Higher line on the left hand

If the left hand palm line is higher than your right line, it signifies that you’re a fearless person who isn’t scared of taking difficult challenges head on.

Try giving it for yourself? What have you got to lose?

Bring Your Hands Together, If These Lines Meet, This Is What It Means Bring Your Hands Together, If These Lines Meet, This Is What It Means Reviewed by misfitgympal on Mayo 18, 2022 Rating: 5

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