Why Mom Always Keeps Hydrogen Peroxide In The House: 19 Benefits You Didn’t Know About

Everybody knows about hydrogen peroxide. It’s been a staple in medicine cabinets and first aid kits for generations.

As it turns out, though, most people don’t really know that hydrogen peroxide has other uses at all.

There are so many different uses for hydrogen peroxide that a full list required four different categories: General Health, Hygiene, Cleaning and Miscellaneous. That made it possible to come up with a total of 15 uses, all of which showcase the usefulness and versatility of hydrogen peroxide.

1. Soak Vegetables and Fruit to Remove Bacteria

We all know a simple rinse under running tap water doesn’t do much to actually clean our vegetables. So, swap out the running rinse for a hydrogen peroxide soak. Make your own by adding just 1/4 cup of hydrogen peroxide to a sink full of cold water.


Insider’s Tip: produce that is hyper-absorbent, like mushrooms, shouldn’t be submerged in any form of liquid. Rather, use a cloth damp with the hydrogen peroxide and water solution above to gently wipe the dirt away.

2. Disinfect Wounds in a Pinch

This method should now only be used in an emergency kit, when no other disinfecting agents–like mild, natural soap–are available.

3. Disinfect Toothbrushes

Soak toothbrushes in hydrogen peroxide to kill staph bacteria and other germs common to the bathroom environment.

4. Whiten Your Nails

Soak fingertips and toes in hydrogen peroxide to naturally whiten your nails.

5. Clear Up Acne

Use hydrogen peroxide as a face rinse to kill the bacteria that cause acne and help clear your complexion.  (Or check out these other 11 Natural Ways To Get Rid Of Pimples Fast!)

6. Help Heal Boils

Pour half of a bottle (about 8 ounces) of hydrogen peroxide into warm bath water and soak to treat boils.

7. Soften Corns & Calluses

Mix equal parts hydrogen peroxide and warm water to make a foot soak that will naturally soften corns and calluses.

8. Remove Ear Wax

Put a couple of drops of hydrogen peroxide into ears, wait a minute or two, then follow up with a couple of drops of olive oil. Wait another minute, then drain fluid from ears to remove ear wax.

9 .Relieve Ear Infections

Put 6 – 8 drop of hydrogen peroxide in each ear to alleviate symptoms and help clear up an ear infection.

10. Whiten clothes without bleach

Adding one cup of hydrogen peroxide to your wash is a great way to naturally boost whites, remove stains and clean your machine at the same time.

11. Freshen your breath

You can make your own natural mouthwash by mixing equal portions of hydrogen peroxide and fresh water together. As with any mouthwash, remember never to swallow. Also, keep in mind the taste will be bitter.

12. Treat toenail infections 

Did I forget to mention that hydrogen peroxide is a natural anti-microbial? Use it to treat infections at home with this simple process: soak the infected foot for 20 minutes daily in half a gallon of warm water mixed with half a cup of three percent hydrogen peroxide.

13. Highlight your hair at home

With its mild bleaching effects, hydrogen peroxide can be used to gently lighten hair.

14. Clean your contact lenses

Completely out of contact lens cleaner? No worries! Hydrogen peroxide works well at breaking down proteins that build up on your lenses during the day. Learn how to do it properly here.

15. Sanitize children’s toys

Simply spray the toys with hydrogen peroxide and properly dry them.

Why Mom Always Keeps Hydrogen Peroxide In The House: 19 Benefits You Didn’t Know About Why Mom Always Keeps Hydrogen Peroxide In The House: 19 Benefits You Didn’t Know About Reviewed by misfitgympal on Abril 23, 2022 Rating: 5

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