You Only Need 2 Ingredients and 2 Minutes to Get Rid of Underarm Hair Forever

Body hair covers sensitive areas from external harms. Hence, hair in various parts of the body is beneficial. But, many people find these hair to be aesthetically disturbing and choose to remove it permanently whenever possible.

Facial and armpit hair are the most complained ones, especially by women, and there are various methods to be done at the salon for performing these hair removal permanently.

Good thing is, hair removal, especially on underarm can be performed at home. Not only that this is more affordable, but can also be more natural and hence, less toxic.

The following methods include completely natural ingredients rich in minerals, vitamins and antioxidants which will make your skin smooth and healthy in just 2 minutes.


Method #1 : Lemon and Sugar

This method is highly effective and easy to apply at the same time. Just combine 1 tablespoon of sugar and 2 tablespoons of lemon juice and make a paste. Put the paste on your armpit and let it stay for several minutes. At the end, remove it with a clean cloth. Do the procedure two times a week and after each treatment you will notice that the hair on your underarms recedes.

Method #2 : Corn Flour and Egg

Mix ½ tablespoon of corn flour and 1 egg in order to make a paste. Put the paste on your underarms and let it stay until it dries out. After that, wash the place with water.

Method #3 : Milk and Turmeric Powder

Mix 2 tablespoons of milk and 1 tablespoon of turmeric and make a paste. Put the paste on your armpits and let it stay for several minutes. At the end, wash the place with water.

You Only Need 2 Ingredients and 2 Minutes to Get Rid of Underarm Hair Forever You Only Need 2 Ingredients and 2 Minutes to Get Rid of Underarm Hair Forever Reviewed by misfitgympal on Hunyo 09, 2021 Rating: 5

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