WARNING: The Terrifying Reasons Why You Need To Stop Drinking Mountain Dew

If you’re one of millions of people who enjoys the occasional refreshing Mountain Dew, you probably shouldn’t read this article. No matter who you believe, it doesn’t end pretty.

Below are the reasons why you shouldn’t let Mountain Dew enter your mouth again.

1. Acidic Beyond Belief

We’re not allowed to lick a battery because of its acidity. But what’s more surprising is that Mountain Dew is 3 times acidic than batteries. If a battery can kill us when swallowed, what more if we drink Mountain Dew everyday?


2. Testosterone Changes

There’s always been a rumor that Mountain Dew makes young men’s genital regions smaller. It’s due to BPA in plastic and can linings that keeps the acid in the soda from destroying the can. This toxin significantly increases the chance of infertility and reproductive cancers.

3. Long-term Effects

Obesity, cancer, and other diseases are killing people at an alarming rate! Is Mountain Dew the direct killer? No, but it certainly is increasing the chances for people to develop serious health problems.

If the three things mentioned above doesn’t scare you at all, how about this story of a man who allegedly found a dead rat inside a can of Mountain Dew.

Roland Ball sued Pepsi Co. for $50,000 after sipping from the can that contains the dead rat.

However, Pepsi said that Ball’s claim was entirely impossible and revealed something more stomach-churning — because a dead mouse would dissolve if submerged in Mountain Dew over an extended period of time.

YES! Pepsi once claimed that their soda, the soda that they want you to pour down your esophagus into your stomach as often as possible, has enough acid in it to dissolve a carcass.

Yum, yum.

WARNING: The Terrifying Reasons Why You Need To Stop Drinking Mountain Dew WARNING: The Terrifying Reasons Why You Need To Stop Drinking Mountain Dew Reviewed by misfitgympal on Hunyo 12, 2021 Rating: 5

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