There is nothing more attractive than a thick head of hair that glimmers with natural health. But hair loss is a problem that many people suffer from.
The average adult has about 100,000 – 150,000 hairs on their head. These hairs grow and fall in one hair cycle, with the numbers reducing by 60-100 hairs every day. If the hair fall exceeds these numbers, you’re likely dealing with hair loss. The problem must be investigated further in order to find the underlying cause.
Good thing is, there are readily available home-made ingredients that can be use to treat hair loss at once. Below is one of the recommended recipes by other users.
Hair Mask For Hair Loss
– Half a glass of beer
– Half a banana
– 1 tablespoon of organic honey
– 1 egg yolk
1. Mix all the ingredients in a bowl until you get a paste.
2. Apply the paste on your scalp and leave it to work for a couple of hours. If you feel heat on your scalp during the process, it’s a sign that it’s working.
3. Rinse your hair with warm water in the end and repeat the process every day until you get the best results.
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