Don’t Ignore: Warning Signs from your Fingernails!

Just take a good look at your nails. Sometimes we don’t give much attention for what is really happening. The shape, texture, and color of your natural nails can let you know when something is going wrong inside your body. Sometimes they can be minor vitamin deficiencies and other times can be indicative of chronic diseases, including cancer. 

Fingernails can tell you a lot about your general state of health. Changes in the nail, such as discoloration or thickening, can signal health problems including liver and kidney diseases, heart and lung conditions, anemia, and diabetes.
So, you must be aware of your nails please check if you notice any significant changes in your nails, including swelling, discolorations, or changes in shape or thickness, consult with a medical professional immediately.
1. Cracked nails
If your nails crack regularly it may indicate of folic acid, vitamin C and protein deficiency.

2. Nail color
Nails should naturally by a heathy pink color – if they are pink or white. If you have dark spots your nails’ surface, which might be a sign of aging, although that is sometimes subjected to the risk of heart disease. Green color is a sign of bacterial infection while red color is a sign of heart infections.
3. Thick nails
If your nails are growing thicker and faster, you probably have some problems with your lungs. It can also indicate that your body has poor circulation. Thick furrow nail may indicate that you have a yeast infection.
4. Furrow nails
This symptom may indicate you have psoriasis or you suffer from auto-immune disease which can be the main cause for hair loss.
5. Curved nails
If your nails are curved and have spoon-like shape it might means that you have either lack of iron or heart problems. We really hope you find this article helpful and don’t forget to share it with your friends and family. Thank You and have a good one!
Don’t Ignore: Warning Signs from your Fingernails! Don’t Ignore: Warning Signs from your Fingernails! Reviewed by misfitgympal on Marso 16, 2021 Rating: 5

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